Want to experience an Anechoic Chamber?
Colleges and schools
“Students visit the anechoic chamber and reverberation rooms. They see the most hoovered piece of carpet in the UK. The acoustics of loudspeakers, hoovers, washing machines, buildings and so much more, all need to be researched for the needs of various companies. Students … realise they can have a meaningful and interesting career in an area of physics they are interested in. I also know other colleges visit and tell me that their own students get a lot out of the outreach visits to Salford acoustics.”
Dave Cotton, Physics Teacher, @Newmanphysics
If you want to bring your class to experience physics being used in acoustical and audio engineering, please contact us. You can visit one of the quietest places in the world, the anechoic chamber, as well as the big booming reverberation chamber. You can also hear cutting-edge audio in our recording studios and listening room. We’re a busy working lab, but we’ll always try our best to accommodate college and school groups. Staff will talk about the cutting edge research we do, working with industry to improve the sound we all experience everyday.
Unfortunately, due to demand we normally restrict visits to key stage 4 and above.